
Ivan Carrasco (M.Ost) is a UK/Spain trained Osteopath, Clinical Sports & Remedial massage therapist and reiki master practitioner and teacher.

Ivan has been practicing reiki and soft tissue therapy for over 20 years.

Since 2012, he has been an associate osteopath for one of the leading physiotherapy companies in London, treating patients with major health complications such as spinal cord injuries, amputees, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, peripheral neuropathies, cancer, post-stroke amongst others.

He has also treated athletes at major London events such as the London Marathon, the London Triathlon, the Great Swim, and has had exposure to the filming industry, attending film sets to treat lead actors in India and abroad. Ivan has a special interest in treating headaches, breathing disorders, dysfunctions arising from the jaw (temporomandibular joint) and neurological conditions.

Ivan has a holistic approach to health and wellness and believes in getting to and treating the root cause of any issue.

  • Speciality

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  • Office

    501, Grand Imperial, Khar West, Mumbai- 400052.


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